Currently Looking for Projects to help build a resume & PORTFOLIO.

Monetary rates will be added in the future for shoots, but for now, I am only looking for freelance experience opportunities to help me get started in the realm photography, videography, and filmmaking.

If you live an alternative lifestyle, or are immersed in any subculture(s) and/or counterculture(s), I would LOVE to work with you or your team!

Any work, collaboration, or project would be greatly appreciated!

Please use the contact form to the right of this text for general inquiries or information and questions that you may have regarding bookings, projects, and collaborations.

There are further information and details below the “Scheduling” block that cover specifics and frequently asked questions.

Want to COLLABORATE or Work Together?

Please fill out the form below regarding bookings. I will contact you regarding a potential collaboration or project accordingly!

Further Details & InforMATION

Types of Projects

I am wanting to and aim to work on various different types of projects, such as short films, general photography/videography projects, montages (creative or promotional), documentaries and/or docuseries, & music videos. I am open to working on any and every type of project upon request!

Current equipment

I currently use a SONY Alpha ZV-E10 Digital Camera with an 16mm-50mm Zoom Lens (lens is interchangeable).

I use/own a standard tripod, and I am currently in the process of purchasing an attachable microphone for my camera. I have recently bought a Digipower LED Video Light with a wide range of colors and effects. I also am gaining experience and have purchased Adobe Creative Cloud software, for video and photo editing.

I will further update this section upon purchase and delivery with further details and product specifications.

Type s of Lifestyles

I’m wanting to aim to work with different alternative, counterculture, & subculture lifestyles. These include (and are definitely not limited to!) LGBT+ & queer cultures, Ball culture, Drag culture, Grunge culture, Punk culture, Nightlife culture, and anything and everything else that isn’t otherwise considered “mainstream”. You can read more about my inspirations by following this link!

Purpose & Passion

The purpose of and the passion behind my filmmaking includes, and is not limited to, documenting underrepresented or minority subcultures, storytelling these cultures in unique manners, showcasing different realities and lifestyles in its own light, and creating one-of-a-kind projects that are eye-opening and shake the viewer. To read more about my passion, dreams and inspirations, follow this link!

Shoot locations

I am currently based in Denton, TX … which doesn’t mean that I will only be shooting in that area! I am willing to travel to areas of North and Central Texas, such as the Dallas/Fort Worth & Austin areas, to film! I am however, open to explore and film in more cities, but this is just my wheelhouse at the moment.

Subject matters

I am open to covering a vast range of topics & subject matters regarding my filmmaking. These include, and are not limited to, lighthearted storytelling or subject matters, and/or gritty, edgy, or “dark” in nature, topics and storytelling.

I am open to discussing “hard to talk about” or difficult subject matters as well.


Help Needed

Please fill out this form if you are interested in modeling or helping me out with future endeavors!

These are unpaid roles, that will serve to help build a resume & portfolio (this will hopefully change in the future). You will be able to use any footage from our collaborative shoot(s) as well, for your personal or work resume or portfolio!

*Must be based in Denton, TX if you are wanting to generally help with shoots or editing.*

*Must be 18+ years of age to apply for any position.*